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This page contains all the videos that have been featured on the front page.

2007-04-12: Apple TV ad

Sorry about the slow updates, but here it finally is: The new Apple TV ad!

2007-03-24: Gates Vs. Jobs

2007-03-14: Introducing... iRack!

A very funny clip from MadTV.

2007-03-12: The best Mac ad ever?

The title says it all. This is a an amazing ad.

2007-03-06: MacWorld bloopers

I especially like the one clip where Steve talks to the CEO of Sony and the filmed projection in the background is a little bit... of its target...

2007-03-04: Mac+Intel ad

This beautiful ad was released shortly after Apple announced the switch to Intel processors.

2007-03-02: iPhone Ad: Hello

Apple's latest iPhone ad that aired on ABC during the Oscars. A truly brilliant collage!

2007-02-23: Mac Introduction

Steve Jobs introduces the first mac 1984.

2007-02-20: Get A Mac: Trust Mac

2007-02-18: Mac Beautiful

It sure can't get any geekier, but boy is this an amazing song!

2007-02-15: Iphone Introduction

The best parts from the Keynote where Steve Jobs introduces the iPhone. Don't miss the wonderful part where Steve says "These are not three separate devices...".

What do you want to see?

Have you seen any cool videos lately? Send us a tip about it and we will be happier than ever!