This page contains all the videos that have been featured on the front page.
2007-04-12: Apple TV ad
Sorry about the slow updates, but here it finally is: The new Apple TV ad!
2007-03-24: Gates Vs. Jobs
2007-03-14: Introducing... iRack!
A very funny clip from MadTV.
2007-03-12: The best Mac ad ever?
The title says it all. This is a an amazing ad.
2007-03-06: MacWorld bloopers
I especially like the one clip where Steve talks to the CEO of Sony and the filmed projection in the background is a little bit... of its target...
2007-03-04: Mac+Intel ad
This beautiful ad was released shortly after Apple announced the switch to Intel processors.
2007-03-02: iPhone Ad: Hello
Apple's latest iPhone ad that aired on ABC during the Oscars. A truly brilliant collage!
2007-02-23: Mac Introduction
Steve Jobs introduces the first mac 1984.
2007-02-20: Get A Mac: Trust Mac
2007-02-18: Mac Beautiful
It sure can't get any geekier, but boy is this an amazing song!
2007-02-15: Iphone Introduction
The best parts from the Keynote where Steve Jobs introduces the iPhone. Don't miss the wonderful part where Steve says "These are not three separate devices...".