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The purpose of screensavers is to keep your screen from aging prematurely. As an added bonus, it makes your Mac look gorgeous when not used.

Mac OS X Guide

Changing icons

Looking for fun new ways of making your Mac more personal? If you want, you can replace the icons of any application on your Mac.

Mac OS X Guide

Changing Your Mac’s Desktop Background

It's very easy to change the desktop background (or “wallpaper”) of your Mac. Our short guide will show you how in just a few clicks.

Mac OS X Guide

Print Screen On A Mac

Mac users can easily take a “print screen”, which means saving a copy of what's on your Mac's screen at the moment. This copy will be saved as an image on your desktop. It's a great way of sharing what exactly you're seeing on your Mac's screen.

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New video: Browse Files and Folders

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We produced a new video! Learn how to browse all the files and folders on your Mac. Hope you like it!


Great Productivity Apps for Mac Users

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With a steady increase of potential interruptions, the challenge today is not to stay up-to-date, but to stay focused. How do one shut out all the disturbances? We’ve made a list of some of our favorite productivity-boosting apps.
