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Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer LogoAre you interested in Internet Explorer for Mac? Stop right there! Many switchers download Internet Explorer the same day as they buy their new Mac. Today, this is a mistake.

Microsoft, the company behind the web browser, have stopped the development and therefore it is very out-of-date. It is slow, buggy and it has big problems rendering web pages correctly. Take our word for it: Not even Microsoft want you to use it!

If you are looking for alternatives, try the built-in web browser Safari or the wonderful and free web browser Firefox.

Safari and Firefox in the dock

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Mårten Björk, author

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This article was written by Mårten Björk, the creator of this site.


Good tip! If you wish to enable the menu, just quit Safari and open the application "terminal" and enter "defaults write IncludeDebug...

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2 comments on this article

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I agree with the opinion expressed above, but there is one problem: Many websites don't like (or at least can't communicate with) Safari, some even refuse to communicate with Firefox. So the solution is to masquerade Safari/Firefox as, for instance, Windows IE 6 or Netscape. Go to Safari's Debug menu, klick on User Agent and try one of the browsers in the table


Good tip! If you wish to enable the menu, just quit Safari and open the application "terminal" and enter "defaults write IncludeDebugMenu 1". The next time you start Safari, the debug menu will appear in the top menu.